Should You Have Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis? The Risks and Benefits - Suffolk Foot and Ankle

Should You Have Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis? The Risks and Benefits

Should You Have Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis? The Risks and Benefits

Traumatologist is taking care of the patient

For those suffering from chronic pain conditions, doctors and specialists are dedicated to finding new ways of treatment for relief. From non-invasive to invasive, patients who are well-informed and take action can receive the best care and overcome their ailments.

As with many conditions, it is best to trust the opinions and guidance of healthcare providers. Those trained and educated in the field understand the risks and benefits to procedures, your individual circumstances, and remedies that will correct the conditions.

Nearly 10% of the population in the U.S. suffers from Plantar Fasciitis. Severe pain in the heel can affect daily activities and the quality of your life. Unable to do many favorite activities, including exercise can make you want to look at all options for relief.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Characterized by severe pain in the heel, those who suffer need care and guidance to correct the problem. The Plantar Fascia is the thick band of tendons that runs from the heel of the foot to the toes. When this becomes stressed it will result in inflammation.

Over time, the Plantar Fascia develops small tears resulting in severe pain and Plantar Fasciitis. The pain is described as a “stabbing pain” and often occurs after exercise and when standing up.

People who are affected more commonly are:

  • Between the ages of 40 and 60 – Repeated damage through years of stress and wearing ill-fitting shoes.
  • Foot Mechanics – Those who have flat feet, or an abnormal arch are more likely to experience Plantar Fasciitis. Walking or standing with an improper distribution of weight can also result in this ailment.
  • Occupational Causes – People who work in factories, teachers, or those whose job requires standing on hard floors most of the day are also at risk.
  • Exercise – Individuals who are long-distance runners and dancers have an increased risk due to repetitive motions and stress.
  • Obesity – Those who are heavier may experience Plantar Fasciitis as the weight can cause stress on the Plantar Fascia causing damage.

Pain from Plantar Fasciitis is more common in the morning when the sufferer wakes up, or when they are standing walking for a long time. It can also occur when additional stress is put on the foot such as jogging or dancing.

Getting Surgery

There are many options available to those who are experience pain in the heel. From prescription medication to exercises, those who do not find relief may look to surgical options for relief.

The surgery, called Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy, is an invasive procedure that warrants the use of anesthesia or sedation. This surgery is an out-patient procedure and usually takes 15-20 minutes.

The surgery only requires a small incision that allows a camera and a hook to be inserted into the heel. A small piece of the Plantar Fascia is removed, and the small wound is stitched.

Recovery time is lengthy. There is a two-week period when no weight can be put on the heel. Using a walker, crutches, or wheelchair will be a part of the recovery. After the first two weeks, you can slowly begin to put weight on the heel again.

Contact Us for Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Suffolk Foot & Ankle can help you if you’re suffering plantar fasciitis. We have offices conveniently located in East Patchogue, Riverhead, Medford, and Commack. Call us now at 631-604-4948 for an appointment.

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